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Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Dora Cake
Tumpeng Barbie (Indonesian Traditional Tumpeng (Cone) Rice)
Resep Nasi Kuning Tumpeng (Indonesia Traditional Tumpeng Rice)
By : Fatmah Bahalwan
Bahan :
800 gr beras putih (white rice)
200 gr beras ketan (glutinous rice)
1200 ltr santan (coconut milk)
1 sdm(tbs) kunyit halus (mashed turmeric)
2 sdm(tbs) garam (salt)
4 lbr daun salam (bay leaf)
1 lbr daun pandan (pandan leaves)
2 btg sereh (lemongrass)
1 sdm(tbs) air jeruk nipis.(lemon juice)
Cara Membuat :
Campur beras dan beras ketan, cuci bersih tiriskan, kukus.
Sementara itu campur kunyit dan santan, saring, buang ampas kunyit. Masak bersama daun salam, pandan dan sereh. Tambahkan garam. Masak tersu hingga mendidih. Matikan api.
Masukkan beras yg masih panas kedalam santan, aduk rata. Biarkan hingga santan terserap habis, dan beras menjadi aron. Tuangi air jeruk nipis. Aduk rata.
Kukus beras aron selama 20 menit, angkat. Cetak dalam cetakan tumpeng, yang ujung lancipnya sudah dialas daun pisang dan dipoles sedikit minyak sayur.
Meanwhile, mix turmeric and coconut milk, strain, discard pulp turmeric. Cook with the bay leaves, pandan and lemongrass. Add the salt. Continue to cook until boiling.Turn off the heat.
Enter your reply is still hot rice into the coconut milk and stir well. Allow it to run out the coconut milk is absorbed and rice became aron. Pour the lime juice. Stir well.
Aron steamed rice for 20 minutes, remove from heat. Print the cone mold, the pointyend of have dialas banana leaf and polished a little vegetable oil.
Resep Kering Tempe (Fried Tempeh)
By : Fatmah Bahalwan
Bahan : 750 gr tempe, iris tipis kotak (Slice tempeh) 10 btr bawang merah, iris tipis (Slice onion) 6 bh bawang putih, iris tipis (Slice garlic) 5 bh cabe merah besar, iris serong (Slice chilli) 1 ruas lengkuas, pukul (crushed galangal) 2 btg sereh, pukul (crushed lemongrass) 2 lbr daun salam (bay leaves) 2 sdm gula merah, sisir halus (slice palm sugar) 5 sdm gula pasir (white sugar) 5 sdm(tbs) air asam jawa (tamarind water)
Fry sliced peppers, red onion slices and garlic slices each. Set aside.
Heat lk. 4 tablespoons vegetable oil, saute the galangal, lemongrass and bay leaf.
Enter the brown sugar, granulated sugar, tamarind water, salt and water, stir wellsimmer,
Enter the chicken powder, cook sugar, stirring until thick hair.
Enter the dry tempeh, onion, garlic and chili fries, stir well. Remove from heat.
Bahan : 250 gr hati sapi, potong dadu. (beef liver) 250 gr kentang potong dadu, goreng. (potato cut into dice size) 50 gr kapri(pease) 5 bh(pcs) cabe merah besar haluskan. (mashed big red chilli) 2 bh(pcs) bawang putih, haluskan (mashed garlic) 8 bh(pcs) bawang merah, iris tipis (slice onion) 2 bh(pcs) cabe merah besar, buang biji, iris halus (slice big chilli) 1 ruas lengkuas, pukul (crushed galangal) 2 lbr daun salam (bay leaves) 1 btg sereh (lemongrass) 1 sdt(tsp) garam (salt) 200 ml santan (coconut milk) Cara Membuat : Tumis bawang merah iris hingga layu, masukkan cabe halus dan bawang putih halus, tumis terus hingga wangi. Masukkan daun salam, sereh dan lengkuas. Aduk rata. Masukkan hati sapi, aduk dan masak terus hingga hati berubah warna dan matang. Tuangi santan, biarkan mendidih. Masukkan kentang dan cabe iris, aduk rata, taurkan kapri, aduk kemudian angkat. Tips : Dalam keadaan masak jumlah banyak, hati sapi bisa direbus terlebih dahulu bersama garam, daun salam dan daun jeruk purut. (Kalau aku bikinnya ditambahin wortel potong kotak goreng, sama petai banyak2, biar warnanya tambah cantik) |
Saute the sliced onion until wilted, put chili garlic fine and smooth, continue to sauteuntil fragrant. Insert the bay leaves, lemon grass and galangal. Stir well. Enter the beef liver, stir and cook until the liver color changed and matured. Pour thecoconut milk, bring to a boil. Enter the sliced potatoes and peppers, stir well, sprinkle peas, stir and remove from heat. |
Resep Telur Balado (Balado Egg)
By Fatmah Bahalwan
10 btr telur ayam, rebus, goreng sebentar (boiled egg)
1 kg cabe merah besar, giling kasar (minced big red chilli)
250 gr bawang merah, iris tipis (slice onion)
50 gr bawang putih, haluskan (mashed garlic)
2 btg sereh, memarkan (crushed lemongrass)
2 lbr daun salam (bay leaves)
2 cm lengkuas, memarkan. (crushed galangal)
1 sdt garam (salt)
1 sdt gula (sugar)
500 ml minyak goreng (cooking oil)
Cara membuat:
- Panaskan minyak goreng, tumis bawang merah hingga layu, masukkan cabe giling dan bawang putih halus, tumis terus hingga harum. Masukkan sereh, daun salam dan lengkuas, aduk rata, masak sebentar, beri garam dan gula pasir. Uji cicip sesuaikan selera.
- Masukkan telur, aduk rata. Matikan api. Sajikan.
Add the eggs and stir well. Turn off the heat. Serve.